Gauvreau Tax News

For Owner-Managed Businesses and High Net Worth Professionals


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The 2024 Federal Budget

Our tax team has combed through the 500+ pages of budget documents, and our commentary below focuses only on the proposed tax changes that are most likely to be of interest or concern to our clients who are business owners or have a high net worth. 

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5 min read

Should I Trigger my Capital Gains by the June 24 Deadline?

In our last Tax News from June 1, 2024, we addressed the upcoming changes to the capital gains inclusion rate – from 1/2 to 2/3 – effective June 25, 2024, along with some strategies to realize or “crystallize” those capital gains by June 24. Many... READ MORE
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9 min read

No Tax Pain, No Capital Gain

On April 16, 2024, the Federal government announced that the capital gain inclusion rate is increasing as part of its annual budget. This is certainly one of the more significant tax changes Canadians have seen in recent years. While many business... READ MORE
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13 min read

The 2024 Federal Budget

On April 16, 2024, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, tabled the 2024 Federal Budget. READ MORE
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Tyler Powers About

Tyler Powers, CPA

Tyler graduated from Western University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies, Specialization in Finance and Administration. He received a Western Scholarship of Distinction and graduated on the Dean’s Honour list as a result of exemplary academic achievement. Tyler received his CPA designation in 2017.

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